Question types range from single choice, multiple choice, opinion
grids, open-ended comments, forms for information input to question
types containing images, multimedia enhanced surveys and multi-lingual questionnaires.
Survey features
About RollaPoll
is ultimate survey power you can count on in every marketing research
situation: City center, airport, emergency room or someplace far outback.
With RollaPoll you can ask customers for feedback immediately following
the experience when the memory is still fresh and
mobile society demands mobile solutions. With RollaPoll and your survey device, you have a
solid, reliable survey power tool in hand that makes customer surveys easy and affordable.
Mixed Mode Survey Data Collection
Reach survey respondents where they play, work, or study:
Gather feedback with survey tablets, survey kiosks, and
online. Then merge the results for comprehensive insights into
experiences and opinions.
Share Survey Reports
Invite team members and other stake holders in your organization
to view reports and charts at their own time.
1Entirely paperless, sustainable survey process
2Easy and fast to complete touchscreen surveys
3Data compatible with surveys of the entire Digivey survey software family
4Professional questionnaire design features
5Use offline or online